
All acupuncturists at Honour Health are registered with the Chinese Medicine of Board of Australia.

Honour Health: Sunshine Coast Acupuncture - Vicki Ball

AACMA member 1576


Dr Victoria Ball

(Doctor of Chinese Medicine)


  • Masters of Health Science  (Acupuncture)
  • Bachelor Health Science (Acupuncture)
  • Advanced Studies Traditional Chinese Medicine (China)
  • Cert. Chinese Medicine (China)
  • Certificate IV Remedial Massage


Vicki has been involved in the complementary medicine industry since 1994, where a passion for using nature to heal spread across a path of nutrition, massage, naturopathy, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.

Having practiced these modalities in different regions around Australia and the world, Vicki has gained insight into a wider variety of environmental factors and influences that can interrupt our health and well-being.

Vicki continues to stay on top of treatment methods by attending many seminars and conferences each year to bring you the best of what can be offered.

Vicki’s career began with massage and as a nutrition and supplement consultant in the early 90’s and progressed into the Chinese Medicine sphere after completing a Bachelor of Health Science, majoring in Acupuncture. Vicki has spent a year in China working in hospitals and studying with Professors and was lucky enough to study Tibetan Medicine in India.

After practicing for some time, Vicki realised that in order for Chinese Medicine to be both accessible and acceptable within the western world, a research base from which to communicate Chinese therapies effectiveness was necessary. This led her to complete Masters studies at the University of Western Sydney, in which she specialised in Women’s Health and Stress Disorders.

“My treatment approach is non-judgmental and realistic, drawing from all modalities. I believe that for illness to be corrected, the entire body needs to be addressed, not simply the presenting signs and symptoms, although presenting symptoms are always addressed so you can feel a change after the treatment.  The focus is on wellness. I believe that given the right conditions, the body will return to wellbeing. I provide the tools and you provide the necessary changes to your lifestyle and together we can improve your health”.

Available Monday to Thursday.

Dr Vicki is away on leave from the 10th of May to the 17th of June.  Dr Heidi Weiss will be taking over appointments for this time.

Honour Health: Sunshine Coast Acupuncture Plato

“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” ~ Plato

Take control of your health. Book an appointment now.